Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Busy Bees

The end of the school year is always a humming time in our classroom. The children have gained confidence and built relationships with one another, have engaged in lessons leading them to yearning for more, and the "itch" for summer! Below you will see a number of photos from the last month of your children buzzing about. Enjoy!

Kindergarten Enrichment Day - Art techniques. The children learned about the artist Jackson Pollack and his method to painting. It was raining that Friday so Miss Faini and I newspaper-ed the tiled area and hoped for the best. The children LOVED this activity and some of their feet even looked like canvases when all was said and done.

Working with a partner is more prevalent toward the end of the school year because the children know how to complete tasks independently and with confidence. I love when a younger child asks a younger child to read something to them!

More in-depth and extensions to original lessons are also taking place. We are so fortunate to have access to great technology at Marquette! Many of the Kindergarteners have completed (or are in the process of completing) a research project. While they can't wait to use the computer to type they are happy when they are done because it takes a bit longer than they expected! :)

I'm sure you have heard about the caterpillars and butterflies that went through their metamorphosis in our classroom. The children were in amazement every step of the way and enjoyed watching the butterflies fly away.

Finally, one song via YouTube...

If You're a Kid

I've seen some great dances to this song!