Saturday, November 12, 2011

We All Need Trees!

Last week's Enrichment Day focused on the many things trees give to humans and to other life on the planet: oxygen, fruit, nuts, syrup, houses and paper!

This Friday afternoon, Miss Paulina (Marat's mom) came in to show the kindergarteners and I how to make recycled paper. Thanks to our beautiful work room, we had plenty of space and clean up was easy. This was my first attempt and I was pleasantly surprised and most of all, the kids loved it!

1) Making the 'slush'.

2) Adding the recycled pulp to the vat.

3) Dipping the frame into the vat and starting to form a sheet of 'new' paper.

4) Preparing to move the wet pulp from the frame to a screen to sponge out the excess water. Lots of excited and happy faces!

5) Sponging out the excess water.

Many thanks to Paulina who created the screened frames, brought most of the supplies and who was brave enough to take on my messy idea! Also, thank you to Kathe Streeter, a fellow teacher, without her, these pictures wouldn't be available.

On a side note, see the washer and dryer in the corner? It serves as cheap and effort-less entertainment for children! As their attention started to wane, they naturally moved over to watch the rugs go through each cycle. Trips to the laundromat, anyone?!

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