I took a few shots to highlight some of our hard workers! Enjoy!
Salma has taken a lot of interest into the flower arranging work this school year. Every morning she looks to see if the flowers and their vase were put back into their basket. She creates a bouquet and sets the vase on an open counter or shelf.
Ce'Onni is literally wrapped up in her sweater! She was working hard at trying to figure out what went wrong behind her, not allowing her other arm to go through the sleeve. Eventually, we got it all figured out.
Dinkeneh and the beloved United States map. Currently, this is his first choice of work each morning. Many other children enjoy this map as well.
Jermyah was very proud of himself when he finished assembling each bolt with it's washers and nuts. He was really working his hands and concentration with this work!
Did Dinkeneh mention that he scored approximately five puzzles for Christmas? I think it's one of his favorite activities right now, and we hear about the United States "puzzle map" every day. :)