Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Sweet Summertime

This year I started calling the period between June 10 - August 24, the 'off season' rather than 'summer break' or 'summer vacation' I took it from some news segment that was talking about a sports figure who was doing some volunteer work on his "off season" and seemed it would fit perfectly with a teacher's situation. Most people assume that teacher's do nothing but kick back & relax for 3 months, but not THIS teacher (and not most teachers, either). Let me fill you in on the preparation and learning I took part in this summer to bring and share with the kids...

We packed up all the materials that belonged to Room 104 to be shipped (across the parking lot!) to our new classroom, Room 102, the week of June 13.

Our 'stuff' arrived and was ready to be unpacked the final week in June. My, oh my, were there a lot of things to find homes for! I could tell how tired I was the previous couple of weeks by how organized or unorganized the contents of each box were... but no broken materials!

                                                (prior to unpacking and moving things around)

In July some of the staff got together to review & revise procedures for our new building. You'll get a chance to see that hard work in the Handbook you will receive Open House night!

I took an enviro institute that was given by Notre Dame's NDeRC program. I learned a ton, received a huge amount of resource books and materials and networked with other teachers in the community. I cannot wait to dive into Project Learning Tree with the children.

I am currently in the LiPS/Wilson training. They have a great program that coincides and extends what we've already been doing at Marquette. It's always nice to see and hear that other literacy programs include concepts, similar teachings and rationales that we practice in the Montessori curriculum!

 Enough of me rambling on about my 'off season'. What have you been doing this summer? Please feel free to make me jealous of all the cool things you've done and places you've been too!!


  1. I like that term "off-season." And that's definitely what we've been trying to do...just take time off. Jonas has taken tennis and swim lessons, but otherwise we've just taken it easy. We do have a weekend in Chicago and a week in Atlanta coming up just before school starts. I can't believe it starts so soon!

    Speaking of, when is the open house? The night before school? Do you have any other info on that?

  2. Hi Ms. Knapp!
    It is so nice to be able to read your thoughts and work in preparation for the new academic year! thank you for doing this! We are so excited about Marat being a Kindergarten and for the whole class to be in the new building. We were in Jackson, Wyoming again this summer and had a wonderful time. Lots of hiking and good eating!
    Marat has been busy going to the day-care where I work almost everyday. He's had fun and has been doing some good progress reading and writing some three letters words. He still forgets some letters, but I think he progressing well. I love "kid spelling" and how useful letter sounding is for that. It's been fun to see how all the work you have done with him during year becomes more "tangible" in this stage. Thank you!!!! we are looking forward to another year with you!!

  3. All I know so far about Open House is that it is the evening before school starts, Aug. 24 and that they will stagger times for the EC families and LE families, similar to last year. I will give more info once I know more!
